Comments on: Gillard ‘could do more’ /news/national-news/new-south-wales-news/gillard-%e2%80%98could-do-more%e2%80%99/38584 Setting Australia’s LGBTI agenda since 1979 Tue, 07 Dec 2010 07:04:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: DavidW /news/national-news/new-south-wales-news/gillard-%e2%80%98could-do-more%e2%80%99/38584#comment-29112 Tue, 07 Dec 2010 07:04:38 +0000 Unfortunatley the Australian Christian Lobby (that Gillard is seemingly controlled by on the issue of gay rights), would apparently prefer to promote the image of gays getting HIV & dying, rather than promoting strong monogamous relationships with the encouragment & societal support structure of full relationship equality. They not only want civil marriage equality banned, but also want all “images” promoting monogamous gay love & ceremonies out of sight & banned in all their forms- including banning the ceremony component in the ACT civil partnerships, banning ceremonies in VIC, and in NSW (state… the City of Sydney ones still stand), and banning any national ceremonies, and even a complete ban on any national register or anything at all that might “mimick marriage” – ie anything that shows gay monagamy or love & commmitment.
Of course everything is not that simple, but government-sponsored second class citizenship can be a factor in depression, gay-youth suicide, risk-taking behaviour, etc. – and the Australian Christian Lobby knows it! They don’t want to promote gay monagamy- just the opposite.
Julia should follow the lead of all those other countries that are falling like dominos & grant full equal rights for a level playing field. The roadblock of the “Aussie Banana Republic Christian Lobby” needs to be swept out of the way.
