Comments on: New bill set to clear historical consensual gay sex crimes in ACT /news/national-news/australian-capital-territory/new-bill-set-to-clear-historical-consensual-gay-sex-crimes-in-act/139437 Setting Australia’s LGBTI agenda since 1979 Fri, 18 Sep 2015 06:00:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Paul /news/national-news/australian-capital-territory/new-bill-set-to-clear-historical-consensual-gay-sex-crimes-in-act/139437#comment-481015 Fri, 18 Sep 2015 06:00:53 +0000 The name of the bill introduced is the “Spent Convictions (Historical Homosexual Convictions Extinguishment) Amendment Bill 2015” – please get it right SSO!

By: Hayden /news/national-news/australian-capital-territory/new-bill-set-to-clear-historical-consensual-gay-sex-crimes-in-act/139437#comment-460778 Fri, 07 Aug 2015 06:41:13 +0000 In reply to Gary of Broken Hill.

So in other words the ACT does not keep records!?

By: Paul /news/national-news/australian-capital-territory/new-bill-set-to-clear-historical-consensual-gay-sex-crimes-in-act/139437#comment-460777 Fri, 07 Aug 2015 06:39:07 +0000 You are kidding me right? It should be expunged, NOT SPENT – just like it is in NSW under the Criminal Records Act 1991! Victoria also has an expunged law under the Sentencing Act 1991!

By: Gary of Broken Hill /news/national-news/australian-capital-territory/new-bill-set-to-clear-historical-consensual-gay-sex-crimes-in-act/139437#comment-460776 Fri, 07 Aug 2015 06:34:36 +0000 Long Overdue!

However this is a very interesting quote: “The number of men with a criminal conviction for homosexual sex in the ACT is unknown, but it is estimated to be a small number.”

How would they know exactly? What does that really mean? How stupid is the LNP government in Canberra – run by complete bigoted cunts like Tony Abbott and Cory Benardi!

By: Donna of Parramatta /news/national-news/australian-capital-territory/new-bill-set-to-clear-historical-consensual-gay-sex-crimes-in-act/139437#comment-460751 Fri, 07 Aug 2015 05:17:07 +0000 I have just read the Spent Convictions Bill 2015, and this is just the South Australian legal model of 2013. In other words it is “spent” – NOT “expunged”. In Both VIC and NSW it is expunged!
