Comments on: Bill to extinguish historic gay sex convictions passed unanimously in the ACT /news/national-news/australian-capital-territory/bill-to-extinghuish-historic-gay-sex-convictions-passed-unanimously-in-the-act/142917 Setting Australia’s LGBTI agenda since 1979 Wed, 25 Nov 2015 03:37:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mark /news/national-news/australian-capital-territory/bill-to-extinghuish-historic-gay-sex-convictions-passed-unanimously-in-the-act/142917#comment-512813 Wed, 25 Nov 2015 03:37:30 +0000 In reply to Paul.

Both Queensland and Tasmania are “reviewing” their legislation, so they can both implement an expungement scheme sometime in 2016 or 2017!

By: Paul /news/national-news/australian-capital-territory/bill-to-extinghuish-historic-gay-sex-convictions-passed-unanimously-in-the-act/142917#comment-509292 Fri, 20 Nov 2015 04:24:07 +0000 This has been long overdue!

Western Australia, Northern Territory, Queensland and Tasmania still do not have an expungement scheme!

When will the ACT government include “intersex status” within anti-discrimination laws? Currently intersex status is not included in the ACT anti-discrimination laws!

By: jaack65 /news/national-news/australian-capital-territory/bill-to-extinghuish-historic-gay-sex-convictions-passed-unanimously-in-the-act/142917#comment-508984 Thu, 19 Nov 2015 20:38:20 +0000 America can learn a lot from Australia. The compassionate treatment of citizens convicted because of religious discrimination. Similar treatment should be implemented in the US.

But, American evangelists have worked their institutionalized hatred in African countries and have DEMONIZED gay men there. They have led African governments to turn on their own citizens and made penalties as harsh as premeditated murder, death penalties for gay behavior and long periods in jail all in the name of Christianity.
