Comments on: 37 per cent of Australians support laws protecting religious freedoms /news/national-news/37-per-cent-of-australians-support-laws-protecting-religious-freedoms/172031 Setting Australia’s LGBTI agenda since 1979 Wed, 26 Sep 2018 05:49:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dave /news/national-news/37-per-cent-of-australians-support-laws-protecting-religious-freedoms/172031#comment-604766 Wed, 26 Sep 2018 03:55:13 +0000 In reply to Ruxxy.

Obviously we’re all waiting to find out what ScoMo actually means by ‘religious freedom’ but it would be a very sad indictment on Australia’s religious community if the only “freedom” they want is to bash the gay community. I’d certainly be accusing Australia’s Christians of enacting Islamic sharia law by stealth if they tried it.

Ha ha what a great t-shirt campaign: Sharia ScoMo! On an anti-gay unity ticket with Saudi Arabia.

If they want religious freedom, but they want to pick and choose how consistent they are with actually applying it, then Australia’s Christians could be on the receiving end of a bunch of lawsuits. But if they want the freedom to discriminate against each and every one of us sinners who disagree with them and not single out gay people then I’m actually pretty okay with that. The test is consistency, hypocrisy is after all criticised in the bible.

By: Ruxxy /news/national-news/37-per-cent-of-australians-support-laws-protecting-religious-freedoms/172031#comment-604711 Tue, 25 Sep 2018 08:02:36 +0000 It sounds suspiciously like they want to enact legislation to exempt gay people from anti discrimination laws – why else are they taking so long to release the report? Gives us little choice but to wait and see – and perhaps prepare ourselves for yet another fight!
