Comments on: LGBTQI health groups issue COVID-19 advice to community /news/lgbtqi-health-groups-issue-coronavirus-advice-to-community/193539 Setting Australia’s LGBTI agenda since 1979 Thu, 26 Mar 2020 01:49:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Robert McCormick /news/lgbtqi-health-groups-issue-coronavirus-advice-to-community/193539#comment-642128 Thu, 26 Mar 2020 01:49:20 +0000 Have you looked at any of those world maps showing the number of Covid19 Cases around the world?
It is interesting to see that one continent has almost no cases at all.
That continent is Africa.
Given the number of despotic governments it may be because the dictators are not allowing the true figures to be publicised.
On the other hand Africa currently has the highest number of people who are HIV-positive, if they can afford it and thank to, I think it is a UK Charity, many thousands of infected people now have access to Anti-Virals which are controlling HIV. Could it be that those same medications could also be responsible for the, seemingly, very low incidence of Covid19 infections? Is the Coronavirus connected in some way to HIV? Covid19 is a respiratory disease and, initially, one of the big causes of death amongst the earlier HIV infected population was Pneumocystis Pneumonia (PP) (don’t quote me of that spelling!). My partner of 30 years and a number of friends who were HIV-positive all went on to develop AIDS and al died as a result of PP. There has been some suggestion that these anti-0virals could help but, for reasons best known to the Media and Health Officials this has either been ignored or shut down. Surely any drug, no matter what it was originally developed to treat, is worth trying? Other possibly fatal illnesses have been cured as a result of trying medications not designed for it. One – Thalidomide was originally made to address some illness then was found to treat another – unfortunately there was another far more serious side-effect.
I know that if I contract Covid19 I would want to try anything – including Anti-Virals used to treat HIV-AIDS

By: Gay Libertarian Paul Mitchell /news/lgbtqi-health-groups-issue-coronavirus-advice-to-community/193539#comment-642011 Sat, 14 Mar 2020 12:46:26 +0000 When at the supermarket, please have a level head and be considerate of others! Do not panic, stay calm, rethink your travel plans and stay by your loved one’s, partners, spouses and families! We will get through this Australia in 2020… ????????????

By: Hello New World /news/lgbtqi-health-groups-issue-coronavirus-advice-to-community/193539#comment-642005 Sat, 14 Mar 2020 08:25:52 +0000 Capitalism doesn’t teach that the basis of survival to a business must be the powers of each & every individual worker.
So when a pandemic hits-hello global shutdown,few to return.
The same applies to LGBT & it’s mass threats.
“We are(1 by 1)the champions”-or we no longer exist.
