Comments on: Billboard blunder: “Not born gay” model is actually openly-gay /news/international-news-news/billboard-blunder-not-born-gay-model-is-actually-openly-gay/131108 Setting Australia’s LGBTI agenda since 1979 Wed, 14 Jan 2015 07:08:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Terrance /news/international-news-news/billboard-blunder-not-born-gay-model-is-actually-openly-gay/131108#comment-307171 Wed, 14 Jan 2015 07:08:53 +0000 Is not life strange, after 9 years being alone,(and miserable) at nearly 68 I have found love- with a 18 year old ThaiBoy
I know what you are thinking, but strangely he does love me and we get along just fine.
The only downside, he wants sex three times a day..
But who is complaining?
Love and be happy

By: Paul of Forbes NSW /news/international-news-news/billboard-blunder-not-born-gay-model-is-actually-openly-gay/131108#comment-301468 Fri, 26 Dec 2014 03:08:16 +0000 Time to sue the company’s or millions of dollars, who made the billboard – for false advertising, biased and deceptive conduct!

By: Paul of Forbes NSW /news/international-news-news/billboard-blunder-not-born-gay-model-is-actually-openly-gay/131108#comment-300178 Mon, 22 Dec 2014 15:18:12 +0000 Bigots love lies and spin – much like Tony Abbott and poker machines!

By: nudel /news/international-news-news/billboard-blunder-not-born-gay-model-is-actually-openly-gay/131108#comment-297577 Wed, 17 Dec 2014 01:34:37 +0000 Where’s the blunder? Whether the model is a twin or is straight or neither is irrelevant to the. albeit misguided, message of the billboard. Certainly it’s a fact that in some cases, one twin is straight and the other is gay – and the ad is not suggesting both of them are straight. So the ‘revelation’ that the model is something other than as represented is hardly a blunder. That dentist who can’t show his face on the Oral B ads, I’d venture, is not actually a dentist. Quelle horreur! Mariah Carey, it now seems, is not really a singer ;)… If we found out the model was straight, by this logic, it would be equally a blunder as he is also represented as gay in the ad.

By: ck /news/international-news-news/billboard-blunder-not-born-gay-model-is-actually-openly-gay/131108#comment-297449 Tue, 16 Dec 2014 17:28:53 +0000 Troy, thank you for reporting on the PFOX campaign debacle. The “born gay” debate is a red herring. What they’re advocating is that it’s a CHOICE and that gay people CAN and should CHANGE. If there’s any doubt as to the harm caused by “conversion therapy,” Bryan Christopher’s memoir, “Hiding from Myself” provides a haunting and compelling lens into the efficacy of this “treatment.” It should be required reading for PFOX, or for anyone considering “ex-gay therapy,” either for themselves, or their kids.
