Comments on: Giant wedding reception in Sydney will celebrate same-sex couples planning to marry /news/giant-wedding-reception-party-celebrate-sex-marriages/165024 Setting Australia’s LGBTI agenda since 1979 Fri, 05 Jan 2018 05:29:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Alex Mitchell /news/giant-wedding-reception-party-celebrate-sex-marriages/165024#comment-600588 Thu, 04 Jan 2018 12:47:58 +0000 I am still waiting in 2018 for the jurisdictions NSW, VIC, TAS, NT, WA and QLD to get rid of the horrible, outdated, archaic & draconian forced surgery & divorce within state/territory laws on all trans*/intersex people.
I am a trans* person who recently came out of closet on January 1 and can not change my birth certificate, until I have surgey and also divorce my wife of 10 years! She accepts me fir who I am, but the NSW BDM does not and were very rude to me and even intimitated and joked about me. How obserd is that people! These laws have to go. This should not happen in 2018! The Labor party platforms of VIC, QLD and WA in 2017 explicitly address this issue.
