Comments on: Closet Case: Paul Kidd /news/closet-case-paul-kidd/143399 Setting Australia’s LGBTI agenda since 1979 Mon, 14 Dec 2015 19:35:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Thomas /news/closet-case-paul-kidd/143399#comment-524324 Mon, 14 Dec 2015 19:35:10 +0000 In reply to Robert McCormick.

This is also a reply to Paul’s response to your comments. I agree with you totally. The key word is “intentional”. There are laws against intentionally stabbing or shooting someone but they have not stopped anyone being killed. There are laws to stop speeding and running red lights but drivers continue breaking the laws. Maybe Paul should campaign to repeal these laws!

By: Paul /news/closet-case-paul-kidd/143399#comment-523168 Sat, 12 Dec 2015 04:54:45 +0000 In reply to Robert McCormick.

“I cannot understand why anyone would want to repeal a very sensible Law which criminalised the “Intentional transmission of the HIV virus”

What a very stupid question!

Lets get some facts shall we:

1. Section 19A (now thankfully repealed) actually secretely encouraged the spreading of HIV and the stigma of HIV itself actually prevented people from getting tested for HIV!

2. The law does NOTHING to stop the spead of HIV. For example in NSW prior to 2003 when the age of consent was unequal at 18 for gay men and 16 for everyone else – it did not stop gay men from having sex at 16!

3. It is hard to prove in the law courts and police that you actually prevented the spead of HIV! and

Finally 4. 70 countries around the world still have laws against gay sex, this is a problem because it indirectly encourages the spreading of HIV and the stigma on HIV and gay sex itself!

By: Robert McCormick /news/closet-case-paul-kidd/143399#comment-521200 Tue, 08 Dec 2015 03:25:29 +0000 I cannot understand why anyone would want to repeal a very sensible Law which criminalised the “Intentional transmission of the HIV virus”.
The operative word is “Intentional”.
It would be fair to say that, unless someone did it out of revenge or simply to deliberately hurt a former lover, partner, no-one within the GLKTBQI Community would want to deliberately infect another.
Yes, we can, it appears, live for many decades today after diagnosis thanks to treatment & doubtless in the not too distant future we will get a vaccines or some sort of medication which will kill the virus altogether & do it without actually killing us. Betadine, bleach & other substances kills the virus but we can’t drink them!
I would be mightily pissed off if I discovered someone had deliberately set out to infect me with anything – let alone HIV.
