Comments on: Christian Group Targets Aussie Mall Over Gay Christmas Event /news/christian-group-targets-aussie-mall-over-gay-christmas-event/218348 Setting Australia’s LGBTI agenda since 1979 Thu, 17 Nov 2022 07:25:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Peter /news/christian-group-targets-aussie-mall-over-gay-christmas-event/218348#comment-652948 Thu, 17 Nov 2022 07:25:20 +0000 God forbid that LGBTI have a photo with Santa. It will ruin Christmas and the world will come crashing down.
Do they really have nothing better to complain about. How about they focus on how they can attract more members to their church as their attendance rates plummet.
How much of this do we have to contend with. Is it so wrong that as a gay man I would love to just take my son to see Santa together without judgement and prejudice and get accused of pushing some imaginary agenda.
My only agenda to to just live my life and bring up a happy and well balanced child.
