Canberra Man Arrested For Allegedly Drugging, Raping And Robbing Grindr Date

Canberra Man Arrested For Allegedly Drugging, Raping And Robbing Grindr Date
Image: Shae Elliott

A 22-year-old Canberra youth has been arrested and charged with allegedly drugging and sexually assaulting a man he met via the gay dating app Grindr. 

Trigger Warning: This story discusses sexual assault, which might be distressing to some readers. For 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention call Lifeline on 13 11 14. For Australia-wide LGBTQI peer support call QLife on 1800 184 527 or .

The ACT magistrates court refused bail to Shae Elliott, after the victim said he was afraid as the accused knew where he lived, ǰٱ.

Elliott was last year convicted and sentenced to imprisonment for handcuffing, robbing and threatening another man in July 2020. He was out on parole. 

Victim Met Elliott Via Gay Dating App

According to the police, Elliott hooked up with his new victim via Grindr and thereafter went to his home on July 24, 2022. They consumed drugs including methamphetamine and had sex in the evening and again the next day. 

On July 28, 2022, Elliott again visited the victim’s home in Phillip. The police case is that Elliott administered a substance, believed to be GHB, to the victim that rendered him unconscious. 

Elliott then allegedly sexually assaulted the victim and stole around $400 in cash, a watch, perfume and other items, before erasing the victim’s phone and leaving. The victim approached the police the next day and lodged a complaint. 

The ACT Policing Sexual Assault and Child Abuse Team (SACAT) searched Eliiott’s Kambah residence on July 30 and recovered the stolen property including a DKNY jacket and Calvin Klein perfume. He was arrested on July 31 and charged with sexual assault without consent, burglary and theft.

Jailed In 2021

The police said the SACT members were continuing to investigate the case “with a view to determining if other people were involved and if any other offences were committed.” The police asked anyone with information to contact ACT Policing and quote case number 7173487.

Elliott was first arrested in August 2020 for handcuffing, robbing and threatening a man he had met via Grindr in July 2020. The man had offered to pay him $300 for sex. Elliott went to the victim’s house , had sex, handcuffed and threatened him before leaving with his phone, iPad, wallet and cash.

A month later he met another man via Grindr and after having sex with him in a hotel room, left with the victim’s car keys and car. 

In February 2021, E. He was released on parole in November 2021. 


If you feel distressed reading the story, you can reach out to support services.

For 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention call Lifeline on 13 11 14

For Australia-wide LGBTQI peer support call QLife on 1800 184 527 or .



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