Make sure you have a will

Make sure you have a will

The NSW Trustee and Guardian is calling on LGBTI couples to ensure they make wills.  The reminder is part of Good Will Week, Sept 18–24, which encourages people in relationships to be prepared by ensuring partners are protected in the event of one partner’s death.

“We see the impact that can occur when death happens in a family where couples have not written a will,” NSW Trustee and Guardian CEO Imelda Dodds said.  “Apart from the increased delay and expense, people risk leaving their loved ones and extended family with unnecessary financial and legal difficulties.”

Dodds warned that if you do not have a professional and up-to-date will, your possessions and assets, including superannuation, might not be distributed as you would have wanted.

New inheritance laws which came into effect last year could also have unforeseen consequences on families and couples where a will was not up-to-date.

You can learn how to write a will at a free workshop at of the NSW Trustee and Guardian’s 18 branches on Sept 24.

INFO: or call 1300 142 434.

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