Comments on: Getting scientific about sex /life-style/healthy-living/getting-scientific-about-sex/75546 Setting Australia’s LGBTI agenda since 1979 Tue, 01 Mar 2016 00:32:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gina /life-style/healthy-living/getting-scientific-about-sex/75546#comment-102412 Wed, 11 Apr 2012 22:52:01 +0000 Disquieting whenever Medicos get together to decide what is disordered, an illness a disease rather than a normal part of life we all have to cope with at one time or another.

Bear in mind this is the crowd who gave us gay as disease in need of a cure , trans as disorder of gender identity and Intersex as a thing to cure.
The continual pathologising of everything from being sad for too long to …being over excited has given the ICD10 ( the diagnostic manual put out by the world health organisation ) another ten thousand or so diagnosis in their most recent revision .

If the issue is we are reluctant to speak about sex and how we go about it that’s one thing but seeking out differences in our sexual behaviour and function as disease to make us squirm is simply sensationalist tabloid rubbish.
Is the problem still; repression from a society obsessed with sex but stuck with a morality that is revolted by it ??? lets get back into the sexual liberation dialogue More
