Gay wedding icons for Facebook

Gay wedding icons for Facebook

Facebook has introduced ‘husband & husband’ and ‘wife & wife’ icons for same-sex couples who update their online profiles to ‘Married’.

Previously, a bride and groom icon was used if a same-sex couple changed their status to married on the popular social media platform.

The same-sex icons will appear for Australian couples who change their status to “Married” despite Australia’s same-sex marriage ban.

Facebook has added several significant changes for LGBTI people since 2010, such as creating the anti-LGBTI bullying support network with the US-based Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD).

Last year it also added relationship options such as “In a Civil Union” and “In a Domestic Partnership” for some countries including Australia.

Chris Hughes, one of Facebook’s co-founders, was reportedly one of the first couples to use the new icons with his wedding announcement to longtime boyfriend Sean Eldridge on Saturday.

GLAAD spokeswoman Allison Palmer said the new marriage icons were another important way for same-sex couples to be recognised.

“This move is the latest in a series of measures Facebook has taken to support and include the LGBT community, which earned it the distinction of being the first social media company to receive a GLAAD Media Award earlier this year,” she said.

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