Comments on: Man plans to sue Grindr for allowing ‘no Asians’ on profiles /gay-scene/grindr-racism-lawsuit-no-asians-profiles-sinakhone-keodara/170373 Setting Australia’s LGBTI agenda since 1979 Fri, 27 Jul 2018 12:39:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Paul /gay-scene/grindr-racism-lawsuit-no-asians-profiles-sinakhone-keodara/170373#comment-603469 Fri, 27 Jul 2018 12:39:49 +0000 If I were Asian & especially from or in China, I’d be more worried about the Chinese ownership of Grindr. Chinese companies in the PRC are part of the state and as such the Chinese Grindr member details, photo’s and chats would inevitably be available to the Chinese authorities.

By: Benjamin Dare /gay-scene/grindr-racism-lawsuit-no-asians-profiles-sinakhone-keodara/170373#comment-603327 Fri, 13 Jul 2018 22:03:44 +0000 Asian = hot if big n hairy n chubby.
African American = hot if big n hairy n chubby.
Caucasain= hot if big n hairy n chubby.
The rest = hot if big n hairy n chubby.
My god do I have to worry now about offending those people that I just don’t find attractive? My profile just states what I like, it doesn’t single out the ones that I don’t think things will work out with. This guy is looking to be offended and is paying for it! That says it all.

By: Ruxxy /gay-scene/grindr-racism-lawsuit-no-asians-profiles-sinakhone-keodara/170373#comment-603322 Fri, 13 Jul 2018 13:50:32 +0000 How ridiculous and counter productive this is. I would rather not waste my time chasing someone who didn’t like whatever type or colour I am. It is a two edged sword – forcing Grindr to omit likes and dislikes however silly they may be only means more people will be turning up to dates to be instantly rejected. This is only a grab for cash which will frustrate users and probably cost Grindr customers which means less on the hunt. It also harms those who are not closed to other specific types because their profiles will look just like everybody elses…another service ruined by PC.

By: Asher /gay-scene/grindr-racism-lawsuit-no-asians-profiles-sinakhone-keodara/170373#comment-603321 Fri, 13 Jul 2018 05:16:45 +0000 I hope this will target Asian and other POC who use the apps to stop expressing their internalised racism and white worshipping which emblodens sexual racism on the apps.

By: Dang Nguyen /gay-scene/grindr-racism-lawsuit-no-asians-profiles-sinakhone-keodara/170373#comment-603319 Fri, 13 Jul 2018 00:49:30 +0000 YAS BITCH DRAG THEM TAKE HER COINS!!!!!
