Comments on: Widespread support for viral #thisiswhy marriage equality Facebook post /features/the-beat/widespread-support-for-viral-thisiswhy-marriage-equality-facebook-post/147103 Setting Australia’s LGBTI agenda since 1979 Thu, 10 Mar 2016 03:42:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mark /features/the-beat/widespread-support-for-viral-thisiswhy-marriage-equality-facebook-post/147103#comment-560893 Thu, 10 Mar 2016 03:42:52 +0000 I am a 40 year old gay man, and let me tell you something. I 100% supported marriage equality and all other LGBTIQ legal reforms well before the internet, google, yahoo, youtube, facebook, twitter, Instagram, etc was even invented! Now in 2016, I am embarrassed and ashamed that Australia still does not have marriage equality. Just last week a federal government payed by taxpayers ad came up on the channel 9 free to air that said “welcome to the ideas boom!” – I fucking died of laughter! The only ideas this federal government has is turning Australia into North Korea and China!
