Comments on: Reactions to gay couples PDA caught on camera in Mississippi restaurant /features/the-beat/reactions-to-gay-couples-pda-caught-on-camera-in-mississippi-restaurant/123710 Setting Australia’s LGBTI agenda since 1979 Fri, 03 Jul 2015 17:01:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lynnn /features/the-beat/reactions-to-gay-couples-pda-caught-on-camera-in-mississippi-restaurant/123710#comment-445168 Fri, 03 Jul 2015 17:01:46 +0000 That is f*cked up in so many ways they are different but get over it. People are just so judgmental I can’t even say even cuss word to describe my anger right now it’s not like they give you a problem for being straight that’s just f*cked up.

By: Paul /features/the-beat/reactions-to-gay-couples-pda-caught-on-camera-in-mississippi-restaurant/123710#comment-167054 Mon, 09 Jun 2014 06:43:00 +0000 People of any sexuality, (be it heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual or asexual) have a right to display a public display of affection anywhere anytime – without being discriminated, harassed, vilified or ridiculed!

People under 30 do not see homosexuality as an issue. People over 30 need to build a bridge and GTFOI (Get the fuck over it)!

By: Jessica /features/the-beat/reactions-to-gay-couples-pda-caught-on-camera-in-mississippi-restaurant/123710#comment-166976 Mon, 09 Jun 2014 00:25:05 +0000 I wanna hug them boys!! thank you boys, who ever you are for standing up for complete strangers! The world really needs more like you!
