Comments on: Homoerotic Calendar to mend Christian Stereotype /features/the-beat/homoerotic-calendar-to-mend-christian-stereotype/115716 Setting Australia’s LGBTI agenda since 1979 Tue, 14 Jan 2014 19:36:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ben /features/the-beat/homoerotic-calendar-to-mend-christian-stereotype/115716#comment-131503 Tue, 14 Jan 2014 19:36:56 +0000 In reply to oliver.

Oliver, I wasn’t saying you don’t have the right to have your say, I was just saying I don’t think it’s that bad. Perhaps mine was a snide comment, however when did I ever stomp on your beliefs? Not holding the same religious beliefs as you is not the stomping on yours. On a side note, my beliefs (o religion?) does not insist anyone live a certain way, and but into peoples lives. The same can’t be said for most organised religions. Please don’t mistake “stomping on” for peoples genuine concern that religions have far too much say in peoples lives and politics.

As for your comments about me, only a fool tries to silent someone with a ‘freedom of speech’ argument. As foolish as your instant assumption of my leftist politics, or assuming you know everything about these moles or their personal beliefs. There was nothing in my comment that assumed or demanded anything from you or Catholics. Your reply however did.

I agree pictures like this don’t do much for equality, but I don’t believe that was their purpose. The creators want to show that they personally don’ believe homosexuality is wring, despite their beliefs. That goes further to have the church accepted than anyone else, as the churches images has been tarnished lately. I ca’t blame any part of the church for trying to show the world they are accepting of everyone.

On a final note, what really pisses me of these days is how everything we (gay community) do is under the microscope. As soon as a single person does anything that a group disagrees with, we are bombarded with statements like “that won’t win you equality” or “no wonder you don’t have marriage yet”. People can do things without the permission of every gay in the country! Having to win equality by pleasing everyone is an oxymoron, and having all homosexuals branded because of what a few do is dumb. We are all individuals, some do good, some do bad. Equality isn’t about that.

By: oliver /features/the-beat/homoerotic-calendar-to-mend-christian-stereotype/115716#comment-131499 Tue, 14 Jan 2014 14:38:55 +0000 so ben your a proud atheist and its ok for you to stomp on peoples beliefs, well, I have the right to my freedom of speech without snide comments from the extreme left. Sadly, Australia has far too much freedom and yet again pictures like this do nothing for the equality you keep screaming about. Again, I don’t agree with this. These models are not orthodox or Christians of any sort, its propaganda.

By: Ben /features/the-beat/homoerotic-calendar-to-mend-christian-stereotype/115716#comment-131498 Tue, 14 Jan 2014 12:04:45 +0000 In reply to oliver.

As an Atheist, I don’t agree with you. Freedom of speech is a wonderful thing :)

By: Ben /features/the-beat/homoerotic-calendar-to-mend-christian-stereotype/115716#comment-131497 Tue, 14 Jan 2014 12:02:32 +0000 In reply to Dinky.

Also, if it wasn’t sex orientated, why would they be gay in the first place? Your comment is simply stupid and shows your lack of understanding (or hand over eyes syndrome) about this topic and indeed the world around you.why are you even on this site?

By: Ben /features/the-beat/homoerotic-calendar-to-mend-christian-stereotype/115716#comment-131496 Tue, 14 Jan 2014 11:58:12 +0000 Are you serious Dinky? Sex is just as big in straight relationships. To say otherwise is simply deranged. You may not agree with a church doing a calendar like this, but as far as sex is concerned, let’s face it. Men will be men, no matter if they are gay or straight. Try telling the average person straight men don’t think about sex as much?

I guess the difference is when people talk about gay people, sex really is the first thing most people think about. Far more than when the average person sees a straight couple.

The question becomes, should we be so against harmless things like this, or is doing so what is keeping intolerance and bigotry alive? Why can’t gay men do something like this, without being branded by judgmental dicks? Straights do it all the time, and for a really long time.

By: Dinky /features/the-beat/homoerotic-calendar-to-mend-christian-stereotype/115716#comment-131456 Mon, 13 Jan 2014 02:44:00 +0000 These guys are hot. Shame its aimed at gays. Such a waste. If men concentrated more on the relationship than sex between them and their partner wether they were male or female they wouldnt need the approval of the church. Carnt say l approve of the unatural act myself since we wernt made to operate that way. But the models look gorgeous. I can underdtand same sex couples wanting to live together and be partners for thr rest of their lives. I dont underdtand why it is sll so sex orientated..

By: oliver /features/the-beat/homoerotic-calendar-to-mend-christian-stereotype/115716#comment-131454 Sun, 12 Jan 2014 23:58:51 +0000 as a catholic, I don’t agree with this!
