Comments on: God uses Grindr too /features/the-beat/god-uses-grindr-too/108514 Setting Australia’s LGBTI agenda since 1979 Tue, 27 Aug 2013 05:36:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: PC /features/the-beat/god-uses-grindr-too/108514#comment-113196 Tue, 27 Aug 2013 05:36:12 +0000 Religion is not a valid topic of discussion. By definition they are excusing themselves from logic and reason by holding and professing unprovable unjustifiable positions as a matter of faith. There is no merit in engaging with such people.

By: Alex /features/the-beat/god-uses-grindr-too/108514#comment-113159 Mon, 26 Aug 2013 22:26:54 +0000 This guy seems pretty open minded. Why do you think think any conversations about spirituality need to be about right and wrong?

You could say the same about you being locked into your anti Christian views instead of being open minded and respectful of others beliefs when they’re not hurting you. Otherwise your showing exactly the same ignorance the conservatives have.

By: PC /features/the-beat/god-uses-grindr-too/108514#comment-113090 Mon, 26 Aug 2013 12:26:04 +0000 Engaging with the religious is not a smart policy.

The movie “Thank You for Smoking” is worth watching. The protagonist pointed out that engaging in a debate (in his case with anti-smoking advocates) isn’t about convincing the other person that you’re right, because they are as hell-bent about their view. They’re locked in. It’s the audience that matters.

Unfortunately on Grindr there’s no audience, except on your own profile page. Short of putting a brief “No Jesus Freaks” line into my bio, the only good option is to block the jesus freaks.
