Comments on: A Reluctant Gay Dude’s Guide to Modern Gay Vernacular /features/the-beat/a-reluctant-gay-dudes-guide-to-modern-gay-vernacular/115609 Setting Australia’s LGBTI agenda since 1979 Fri, 10 Jan 2014 09:48:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dooley O'There. /features/the-beat/a-reluctant-gay-dudes-guide-to-modern-gay-vernacular/115609#comment-131426 Fri, 10 Jan 2014 09:48:12 +0000 Hi there, I really love the way you have simplified this page. It’s so simple even I can find my way around here. Great Mag must have great content… you have that… My Fav’ was Elliot Glazer … there was one song he sang and I would give my right arm ( no I wouldn’t ) to have a copy of it. Hope he is on ITunes.. was such a lovely song.
Rounding up, this is informative, without the lectures. Starobserver is so much more fun to read on your pad on the bus so you block in the strictly straight guy near the window…. open your IPad and start reading where you were ( I want more than one man in the bedroom ). He is going to start grabbing his crutch any moment or he will have to squeeze past me, pretending he is straight ( yeah, with a boner on ) So now you have it, that is why I love to read in public….hahaha
Really professional look and feel guys and gurls , you have done a great job!!
