Comments on: The evolution of safe sex /features/evolution-safe-sex/156519 Setting Australia’s LGBTI agenda since 1979 Sat, 08 Apr 2017 11:02:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mark Denoe /features/evolution-safe-sex/156519#comment-595965 Sat, 08 Apr 2017 11:02:17 +0000 As an inner city Sydney gay man who works in health, I found the subtitle of “I feel like safer sex should be empowerment-focused rather than prescriptive”, intrigued me. My intrigue was quick to evaporate. What is the article trying to say? Is it trying to raise awareness of PrEP? Promote condom use? If it is trying to inform the reader their are several options and what you choose to use for safer sex is up to you; it does it poorly. Apart from a mish-mash of quotes from community leaders, health professionals, sex workers, bisexual and straight people, I found it hard to find a thread. And what is ‘cis’? (I’m guessing it means ‘condoms insertive sex?). I have reread the article twice thinking I may have missed an explanation for the acronym. I’m still none the wiser. It has often been said that the gay rags are too focussed on inner city gay men. Judging by this article the focus is smaller than that.
