Film competition entry call
The deadline for the ALSO Foundation’s Take Care Out There short film competition has been extended to September.
ALSO is calling on GLBTI filmmakers to submit films about sexual health and relationships for the chance to win up to $3500 in prizes.
The initiative is based on the Transport Accident Commission’s (TAC) Make A Film, Make A Difference competition to raise safety awareness using visual media, this time about safer sex.
ALSO is looking for films between 30 seconds and 15 minutes in any medium.
The winner will take home $2500 cash and $1000 worth of film equipment hire from Open Channel.
The deadline for submissions has been extended to Friday, September 16. Entry forms can be downloaded from www.takecare.org.au or direct from the ALSO website.
A gala screening of entries will be held at the Treasury Theatre on Tuesday, October 4 as part of the Melbourne Fringe Festival.
Take Care Out There is a sexual health promotion project, commissioned by the Victorian Department of Health in 2009 and funded for three years, looking at new approaches to sexual health promotion in metropolitan and regional Victoria.
The project hopes to prevent the transmission of HIV and sexually transmitted infections.
INFO: Call 03 9660 3900.