Comments on: Tina Arena announced for Mardi Gras Party /artsentertainment/scene-events/mardi-gras/tina-arena-courtney-act-announce-for-mardi-gras-party/117205 Setting Australia’s LGBTI agenda since 1979 Fri, 31 Jan 2014 03:18:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Matt /artsentertainment/scene-events/mardi-gras/tina-arena-courtney-act-announce-for-mardi-gras-party/117205#comment-135453 Thu, 30 Jan 2014 09:43:21 +0000 Come on Mardi Gras you’ve put up your ticket prices and dredged up the cheapest possible acts for us to see. International visitors are already disgusted with the lack of talent on the stage for Mardi Gras when in London you pay only 20 pounds at Pride time to see a world famous performer. Lift your game before you finally go bust altogether!

By: Adam /artsentertainment/scene-events/mardi-gras/tina-arena-courtney-act-announce-for-mardi-gras-party/117205#comment-135450 Thu, 30 Jan 2014 06:21:45 +0000 She closed out 2005 and literally killed the vibe with a depressingly slow and morbid final closing number! Mardi Gras has really reached an all time low. Where are the top international acts that people now pay top dollar to see?

By: Scott /artsentertainment/scene-events/mardi-gras/tina-arena-courtney-act-announce-for-mardi-gras-party/117205#comment-135446 Thu, 30 Jan 2014 04:26:51 +0000 You have got to be kidding me….YAWN! She’s been to Mardi Gras more times than . . . . . (insert your own word) . . . . !

I would be more excited about stubbing my toe than seeing her on a stage (AGAIN).

Surely Mardi Gras could have found someone new for us or how about doing something incredible like “discover a new LGBTI talent”.

Come on Mardi Gras, pick up your game before you become as relevant as Tina Arena.
